H St Festivities

Tuesday night and ‘Screaming Females’. It was a hasty decision, but sometimes the most unforeseen occurrences (black swan occurrences) are the most enjoyable. This one certainly was. Friday spent itself at a housewarming for an apartment on 4th street. She bought black lights and put them behind all the glass in the room for a […]

Silver Clouds

It’s simple, silver, and floating. I took the metro one stop backwards to Artisphere to enjoy an interactive exhibit from Andy Warhol. Accompanied by a friend, I played the hour until dusk set in. A friend amidst the clouds They peeled the clouds off the ceiling- unsuccessfully attempting to keep the ‘floaters’ down. It’s a […]

Across the River

Across the river from the city is a historic town. It doesn’t seem much different in terms of building height, but the feeling is more down to earth. There is little of the tight knit business suits and dining only the wealthy can afford. Prices here can still leap around, but there is something for […]

Blackened Lights: Art in Suburbia

The suburbs of the city tend not to have an abundance of art shows. One thing about the city is that there’s always something going on for art- though sometimes it’s masked by a stiff facade. The further you get away from the city, the fewer exhibitions there are. A friend opened an art show […]

Obon Festival

It’s a slow summer in the suburbs of the city. I contemplated taking the mask everywhere, but I tend to carry bags far too small to fit more than the staples. Friends from the city came to me, and we attended an obon festival. Japanese folk dancing to Taiko drumming tuned the sunset and turned […]


Friday spent itself half mourning over microeconomics and half volunteering for a photo gallery. A week of photography is ending, but I can rinse and repeat come next year’s November. Photographers come in many colors- some for the sophisticated suit-style while others try things more diverse with inked arms, patterned knit jackets, or large bell-bottom […]